
Norwich Rising Tide

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 17:12

Tired of watching politicians and corporations screw up the planet? Think that an obsession with endless economic growth is at the heart of the climate crisis? Uninspired by sending £3 a month to Charity X, but not sure where to put your energy? Want to help build just, sustainable solutions here and now? Then get involved with Norwich Rising Tide!

Next Meeting

Thursday,2nd April, 7.30 to 9PM at The Rumsey Wells pub (used to be St. Andrew's Tavern), 4 St. Andrew's Street, NR2 4AF.

07507 095 345

NRT Rat Race

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/30/2008 - 13:18

Rats at TopshopTo mark Buy Nothing Day, activists from Norwich Rising Tide held a Rat Race in the Norwich city centre.

The busiest high street in Norwich was today full of rats. The rats were equipped with placards reading Work Harder, Earn More Money, Buy More Things, Keep Going, and leaflets telling people to join the consumption Rat Race. The reverse of the leaflet, revealed the spoof and informed people that today was buy nothing day and perhaps they should consider the environmental and social consequences of excessive consumption.

Actions, demos, film nights and other events

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 15:22

Past events


On Saturday 29th November it’s BUY NOTHING DAY and the 2009 Norwich City Centre Rat Race is set to start. The race will highlight the moral, environmental and personal consequences of consumerism, and also challenge the city centre’s most unethical corporations. It would be great if as many people came along as possible!

Rat masks and ‘go faster’, ‘work harder’ signs will be provided and it would be good if people could dress smart (ish). We don’t know how long it will last but probably a few hours of racing, with lots of rest breaks.

2007 Action Round-Up

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/03/2008 - 18:16

Norwich Rising Tide has only been up and running for just over a year, but it’s been a busy one! We began by taking action against the planned Northern Distributor Road with an ongoing spoof 'Campaign for Roads And Progress’ (CRAP). Next, to mark the International Day of Action Against Climate Change and the G8 we shut down a city centre Jet Petrol Station, choosing the lesser-known Jet/Conoco-Phillips to highlight the fact that there is no such thing as a good oil company.

Subversive Singing Santas Spread Seasonal Sanity in London and Norwich

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 12/15/2007 - 17:36

Oxford StToday, on one of the busiest shopping days of the year, activists in both London and Norwich dressed up as Santas Against Excessive Consumption and hit the high streets to sing a different tune to the usual buy, buy, buy madness of the holiday season.

In Norwich, bearing a festive banner reading Lapland is Melting and singing subverted Christmas carols (Welcome to Consumer Wonderland, Oh Little Town of Chapelfield, etc.), the Santas set up outside the temple to consumption that is Chapelfield Mall.

Buy Nothing Day Rat Race

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 11/24/2007 - 16:21

BND placardsTo mark Buy Nothing Day, 12 people from Norwich Rising Tide held a Rat Race in the city centre.

Activists created a mobile rat race that stopped off at the city’s busiest malls and high streets.

People in rat costumes hurried hither and thither between the edges of the rat race maze, built out of placards reading Work Harder, Earn More Money, Buy More Things, Keep Going, while Fat Cats advised that happiness was just around the corner if the rats would only keep shopping!

At Castle Mall the rats were flummoxed by security guards who forced them to move on; after all, the rats were only telling people to buy more stuff!

First Norwich Rising Tide Action Against the NDR

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 05/06/2007 - 00:35

NRT Spoof action - Build the NDR: Concrete is freedom!

NDR demoPosing as members of the fictional Coalition for Roads And Progress (C.R.A.P), and brandishing placards bearing slogans such as ‘Re-tarmac the streets!', ‘Oil is Good for the Planet’, ‘The NDR – an industrial paradise’ and ‘Walking is a Waste of Time!’, we held a series of mock press conferences outside the Forum in Norwich city centre. Click here to see full action report, photos and the spoof C.R.A.P leaflet (along with our own straight leaflet setting out our concerns about the NDR).