Reclaim Hinkley - 8 October 2012 - MASS TRESPASS, MASS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE

Submitted by rt1 on Sat, 09/15/2012 - 09:50

No New Nuclear - International call out

Join us in an act of mass civil disobedience as we trespass on the proposed site of Hinkley C nuclear power station in Somerset.

EDF Energy is already trashing fragile Somerset countryside in preparation for the Hinkley C nuclear power station – even though it hasn’t got planning permission to start building.


This mass action is for anyone who feels able to publicly trespass - or bear witness to the mass trespass by joining us around the perimeter fence. We need people who are prepared to be arrested.

We also need people to support those who are trespassing by gathering around the perimeter fence. We will be providing legal briefings and support for any trespassers who are arrested.

Our aim is to make the trespass as safe and dignified as possible. All our activities are bound by the principles of non-violent direct action. We are holding a camp immediately before the trespass so that everyone involved has a voice in planning the action itself.

On the day of the trespass, we will attempt to reintroduce some of the biodiversity that has been stripped through EDFs premature preliminary works.

Once inside we will scatter wildflowers and other species native to this site. By showing your support for an end to nuclear power, you are part a growing movement that is exposing this corrupt government policy that puts profits before safety.

EDF is Eagerly Destroying Fields even though it doesn’t yet have permission to build the reactors - nor does it have approval for the reactor design, or even a final investment decision.

The new EPR reactor design will produce radioactive waste that is so toxic that it will have to be stored on site for over 100 years. The dangers associated with flooding, terrorist attack and accidental leakage are totally unacceptable.


The movement against the government's so-called 'nuclear renaissance' is winning….but we must keep up the pressure. Out of the eight new nuclear power stations supported by the coalition government when it came into power, only two are still on the table: Hinkley in Somerset and Sizewell in Suffolk.

French-owned EDF Energy - the owner of Hinkley and Sizewell - is pressuring the government to increase the range of hidden subsidies on offer in a desperate bid to attract interest from sceptical investors. THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN.

If EDF gets its way, it will be a double whammy for us - and for future generations. It will mean we pay twice: once as taxpayers and once as consumers through our energy bills.

We say put the £60bn earmarked for 'new nuclear' into a cleaner, greener, fairer future. The way forward is through energy reduction and greater investment into research and development to make renewable energy and energy storage fit for the 21st century.

We need to create a long term sustainable energy plan that is based on meeting people's needs rather than making profits for investors. In May, energy secretary Charles Hendry told ministers at a select committee hearing that the government’s energy policy would be robust enough without including nuclear in the mix. It's time we moved energy policy forwards rather than backwards.


The crisis is far from over: the sarcophagus covering the doomed Russian reactor is falling apart. Only this year, governments finally approved the funding for a new one. The human population in the most heavily contaminated territories is in decline. In Belarus 80% of children were born healthy before Chernobyl. Now, just 26 years later, only 20% of children are born healthy.

Thanks to people power, all of Japan's reactors have now been turned off. For the first time in over half a century Japan is nuclear free. However, the crisis at Fukushima is far from over.

  • The Japanese people are footing the bill. The company behind the power station, Tepco, has had to be re-nationalised because of the spiralling cost of compensation and the ongoing attempts to stabilise the reactors.
  • Many people are still living in heavily contaminated areas that should have been evacuated.
  • Food across Japan is heavily contaminated and people are being encouraged to support the farmers of Fukushima by eating it.
  • The triple meltdown is still in full swing.
  • All of the fuel pools in reactors 1,2,3 & 4 are in bad condition.
  • The pool in reactor 4 is of particular concern. Thousands of highly radioactive spent fuel rods are at risk of further explosions. If such an event occurs, high levels of radioactive contamination could spread as far as Tokyo and wipe out Japan's commercial infrastructure.


More information coming soon.

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