Statement by 42 Moroccan non-governmental organisations

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/09/2004 - 10:09

This is the statement on climate change that has been drafted by a coalition of some 42 NGOs in Morocco, consensually agreed upon over a series of roundtable discussions held around the country in September and November. The statement has been named "Ourikaßs Call" to commemorate the victims of an incredibly violent storm that decimated a rural village near to Marrakesh in 1995, killing a number of people and making many more homeless. On November the 6th, coinciding with the Rising Tide day of international action, members of REMED will be travelling to the site of Ourika to remember these victims of climate change, and in an effort to remind the global community that while it is the rich and privileged who are responsible for the climatic instability, it is invariably the poorest peoples of the planet who suffer the worst consequences.

The statement reflects the fact that the civil society of the South are all too well aware that climate change cannot be treated as merely an environmental issue. It is stresses the significance of the socio-economic factors involved and the history of the industrialisation of the North having been largely responsible for the climate chaos that we face today. As such, Ißm extremely hopeful that this is a solid collection of like minded groups in the South that we will be able to work with in the future.

The statement has been taken from the REMED website which is at

OURIKAßS CALL Considering :

1. The direct connection between the environmental problems, particularly climate change, and the human activities resulting from a production and consumption model which submits the natural resources to the globalization of the world economy, and threatens the ecosystems ;

2. The global deterioration of the world's resources and the diminution of the countries' carrying capacity, as well as the division of the planet into two contradictory societies: the society of wealth (North) and the society of need (South);

3. The non application of the international agreements concerning environment protection, especially the measures required by the Convention on Climate Change in reducing greenhouse gas emissions;

4. The disturbing outlook due to the actual environmental deterioration and its foreseen socio-economic impact leading, if nothing is done, to a collective suicide: to the destruction of the globe and the violation of the future generations' rights;

The Moroccan non-governmental organizations taking part in the Marrakesh 2001 NGO meeting call for society to:

1. Use its full potential to urge the governments and institutions of the world's most industrialized and polluting states (particularly the USA) in order to specify the responsibilities and to reduce effectively greenhouse gas emissions as it is stated in Kyoto's protocole (our minimal objective);

2. Promote a genuine international solidarity enabling the southern countries to attain the patterns of sustainable development and adaptation to climate change, in addition to food security for their populations;

3. Adopt the interactive approach in matters of development and dealing with environment as a concept that goes beyond interests, frontiers and generations;

4. Advocate a culture of peace which considers wars as additional harms to environment;

And on the National level call for:

1. The forging of a real partnership between the government and NGOs in the sphere of policy formulation;

2. The coordination of the work of NGOs in the fields of environment protection and sustainable development;

3. The promotion of scientific research in sectors related to environment;

4. The establishment of a communication strategy to integrate environmental considerations and the concept of sustainable development into the widespread culture;

5. The implementation of adequate national legislation to protect environment as a cross-sectoral issue.


Translated from the original French declaration at

This declaration is a call to all the local and international ATTAC groups, to all networks and associations involved in defending the environment, and also to open up a debate on the possibilities for future coordinated action against the impact of neo-liberalism on the destruction of our environment - all this on the opening of the 7th conference on climate change, being held in Marrakech, 29th October to 9th November 2001.,


1) notes gravely that the heating of the planet is really creating huge ill fated repercussions for human life on the climate and ecosystems: - degradation of the ozone layer and an increase in the greenhouse effect - melting of the ice caps which is raising sea levels - an increased frequency of El Nino since the middle of the 70's, etc

2) is indignant at the irresponsible attitude of the industrialised world who promote the idea of increased production and immediate profit without taking into account the grave consequences of their making, on an ecological basis, not an economic one, and in term sof social impact: cycles of droughts and floods; exhaustion of soils, fauna and flora; destruction of wilderness; creating poverty; malnutrition, epidemics; migrations from rural areas to towns, themselves mutating into megalopolis, unemployment, etc

3) condemn the role of industrial lobbyists in the destruction of life on earth in the pursuit of their petty and selfish interests.

4) note that the Kyoto protocol is a bit hopeful (limiting greenhouse gas emissions at 5.2% is woefully inadequate) in that there are no serious controls in place to realise this objective

5) is (?) at the refusal of the US to sign this first step of a protocol seeing as it is the principal emitter of these gases, especially as this discourages other industrialised countries from stepping up the implementation of any agreements.

6) calls upon national and international public opinion/activism to redouble their awareness, efforts, actions and struggle to demand: - as a first step the immediate ratification by all states of the Kyoto protocol - the creation of controls to see it implemented - the opening of a new debate which will promote economic choices and perspectives which will guarantee a sustainable development, respectful of the planet and its inhabitants.

Marrakech 17 September 2001

ATTAC Marrakech Coordinating body"
