Oil on the Warpath

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/09/2004 - 11:11

Oil on the Warpath
challenging the oil empire

Saturday 27 March 2004 10am-6pm
Friends Meeting House, James St, Sheffield

Programme now available HERE...
Directions to the venue HERE...

Phone contact from Friday pm till Sat pm only – 07762 252932

Day gathering of speakers, videos, workshops, campaigns

Throughout the 20th century oil has beaten a bloodstained path through the lands of those unfortunate enough to possess it. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are a reminder that the rich world's ever growing appetite for energy is set to bring more death and destruction, whilst climate change, the ultimate weapon of mass destruction wreaks havoc worldwide.

But do things have to be this way? How can we break our Petro Addiction and effectively challenge the unholy trinity of oil, power and politics? What does a fossil fuel free future look like?

The morning includes presentations on: new oil frontiers; oil and Iraq; how the UK finances oil and war; climate change overview and impacts; and resistance to oil nationally and internationally.

The afternoon workshops will explore these issues further, and plan local campaigns which start to dismantle our addiction to oil and thirst for empire.

There has never been a better time to campaign on oil and war

Brought to you by Rising Tide and Sheffield Stop the War Coalition

For further info contact

Jan Burgess - 0114 268 6216
Jo Hamilton - 01865 241 097
or see website: www.nonewoil.org

suggested donation £5/ £3 to cover costs

please book a place in advance as space is limited
