Noisy climate protest in Turkey broken up by police.
On the 20th of July, Social Ecologist Transformation made an action in Istanbul, in solidarity with the Climate Summit in Bonn. The action was in Istiklal Street, in one of the main and crowded squares of Istanbul. The other groups in Anarchist Platform, Anarchist Youth Federation and the Masterless.
Banners read "Capitalism Kills", "We WonÀt Let Our Future Be Poisoned", "No Global Capitalism", "Seattle-Prague-Istanbul-Genoa: Anarchy" , "Climate Murderers G-8 Countries" , "NoahÀs Ark can not take all of us" written black umbrellas and black, black-red, black-yellow flags were carried. A model of NoahÀs Ark, the sail of which had a banner as "Capitalism Burns the World" was carried, representing the similarity with the great flood in NoahÀs time and global climate change causing rise of the sea levels as a result of melting of the ice poles.
An activist representing Noah called all the humanity to pay attention to global capitalism causing climate change. While rallying we yelled the slogans, "Climate Murderers, G-8 Evils", "Industrialization Kills", "Capitalism Kills", "No G-8, No Industrialization, No Cars, No Capitalism", "Earth, Commune, Freedom", "Capitalism is Burning the World", "Everywhere is Genoa". The symbol of capitalism, McDonaldÀs, was egged while walking. The anarchist-ecologist demonstrators gathered before the Chamber of Industry-Istanbul branch, Noah read the declaration and ice cubes were spread around representing the polar ice melting. The action ended after an activist said: "Our action today has been successful and the fight against global capitalism will continue", And afterwards we yelled the slogans "Earth, Commune, Freedom" and "Everywhere is Genoa, Anarchy Everywhere". The police ran after and arrested 14 activists in the narrow streets.
One of the worst consequences of profit driven greed of global capitalism, global warming, is the ecological disaster that will bring the end of the world. And the actors of global warming are organizing summits to make more profits and to globalize poverty and serfdom. Of course they are not alone! To take them down from these summits activists had reclaimed the cities and are doing actions. And Social Ecologist Transformation, with this action, supported the actions and demonstrations against global capitalism and drew the attention to global warming, the ecological disaster that we are face to face in this century.
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