Marrakech COP7: Our future is compromised again

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/09/2004 - 21:22


The Seventh Conference of Parties intergovernmental climate conference in Marrakech continued in the well established pattern of further weakening the feeble Kyoto Protocol and increasing its vast loopholes. The event was marked by protests around the world.


Report back
A report on Marrakech- what happened, what didn>t happen, what it means for climate change


Statements by Moroccan groups
There are two statements- one, a consensus position of 42 Moroccan non-government organisations, the second a statement by ATTAC, a local campaign group.


There weren>t many protests in Marrakech (hardly surprising in Morocco), but the COP7 meeting was marked by protests around the world. A short summary of some of them.
For more information on climate protests go to

Reports from previous climate conferences
Marrakech was just three months after the COP 6.5 intercessional meeting in Bonn which finally reached a disastrously weak and compromised agreement, hailed by the participants as a major breakthrough. Critiques of this meeting provide the background for understanding Marrakech.
