AMEC Blockaded over Baku Pipeline Construction

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/09/2004 - 10:10



AMEC Blockaded over Baku Pipeline Construction

Early this morning a group of people from the Earth First! and Rising Tide Baku campaigns and other concerned individuals closed off the entrance to AMEC House in Warrington, Cheshire in protest against the construction company's role in the proposed Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline.

At aroud 7:30 am, a tripod was erected and a chain of people locked together across the entrance and leaflets were handed out. The action prevented around 250 vehicles from entering the complex, causing deliveries to be cancelled and making company workers climb over locked-on people and a banner proclaiming "Stop Baku Pipeline" to get to work.

After 3 hours and absolutely no action on the part of the three baffled and slightly bored police, the protest packed up and went to the pub, retrieving the materials, with no arrests.

The Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline will be 1086 miles long if built, with 1 million barrels of oil a day planned to flow through it. AMEC have so far been awarded a £300 million contract to assemble and bury the pipeline in Azerbaijhan, and to build facilities such as pumping stations in Azerbaijhan and Georgia. This action is part of an ongoing campaign against financiers, construction companies and government departments involved in pushing ahead with this project.


There are about 90 days left for public consultation on whether UK TAXPAYERS MONEY will be given to private companies to profit from this madness.

See the text of the leaflet given to AMEC staff below.

For further info on the pipeline and things you can do about it see:
Baku-Ceyhan Campaign:
Rising Tide (a UK grassroots network against climate change): Tel 01865 241097 Email: Website:

Text of leaflets given to AMEC staff (and other intrested people working in the area):



AMEC is being visited today because of their involvement in the environmentally and socially devastating BP-led Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline which is set to bring one million barrels of oil a day to Europe via Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey. AMEC will continue to be targeted until it pulls out of the project. Our aim today is to disrupt business as usual in order to draw attention to the terrible consequences of the pipeline outlined below. It is not too late to stop the pipeline being built. This is an action by a group of concerned individuals.

The pipeline would cause major pollution. Unlocking these vast oil reserves would directly contradict climate change commitments. The burning of these reserves would have a catastrophic impact on the earth’s climate, for centuries. It would create more pollution each year than every power station in the UK, or the combined effect of every car, truck, bus and train in the UK, or twice as much as heating every house in the UK.
The pipeline route would run through the most serious earthquake zone in Turkey. The pipeline itself and the transport to markets would lead to greater risks of oil spills, as the recent Prestige oil spill shows.. Not to mention the risk of the pipeline becoming a target for guerrilla bombing campaigns as has happened historically.

The pipeline would pass through 8 different conflict zones. BP’s pipeline in Colombia has exacerbated conflict in the region, with BP funding paramilitaries to silence its critics, including its own workers, to keep the oil flowing . Is AMEC prepared to be associated with this profit-driven brutality?

These are vital for BP to get money from the public purse. They are also a joke. The assessments were carried out by ERM and RSK who presented the pipeline as a certainty, not a possibility. Furthermore, independent researchers found that consultations had not been done in local languages, that many villages had been ignored and key locations excluded. The consultants claimed to have talked to 100% of villagers in Hacibayram in north-eastern Turkey—a village which was, at the time, completely
abandoned following local conflict!

LOCAL COMMUNITIES: It is often argued that projects like these will benefit the host governments and affected communities financially. The records show this is rarely the case. BP pays notoriously low taxes. It paid almost no tax on its North Sea pipeline system. Even if local people were employed by the consortium for the lifetime of the project, the long term consequences are the loss of local land, skills and health. In fact the only long term jobs to be created by the project are 350 in Turkey, 250 in
Azerbaijan and 250 in Georgia.

What’s this got to do with you?
This is a hugely unpopular and vulnerable project. If AMEC continues to support the pipeline it is risking your future. It has started construction on a project which has not yet been given an official go-ahead and has not succeeded in securing the necessary funding (70% of £3.5b construction costs). This means that you could lose your job as AMEC struggles to keep its head above water having invested unwisely in a lemon. If BP was so
confident in the project, why isn’t it funding the project itself?

What you can do:
· Pass confidential information on to the Baku-Ceyhan campaign.
· Refuse to work on anything related to the Baku-Ceyhan project.
· Tell managers, directors and CEOs what you know about the pipeline and pressure them into pulling out.
· Get involved in the campaign (Subscribe to the campaign newsletter)
For further information, here are some contacts:
Baku-Ceyhan Campaign:
Rising Tide (a UK grassroots network against climate change): Tel 01865 241097 Email: Website:



