

Here is a list of films which we would recommend. You can also view all pages tagged as 'video' on this site.

Rising Tide North America Climate Action Tour Video, Part 1 (click the play button to watch the film on this page, or go to this Google Videos page to watch it full-screen.)

Rising Tide North America Climate Action Tour Video, Part 2 (click the play button to watch the film on this page, or go to this Google Videos page to watch it full-screen.)

Camp for Climate action 2007- the insiders view Various formats on
Reclaim Power’ - voices from the Camp for Climate Action 2006

’Reclaim Power’ - voices from the Camp for Climate Action 2006

More information and getting a copy
Play sample (.mpg 157MB)

Cheeky Apocalypse
George Marshall and Richard Hering


Air travel
Don't fly within Europe - take a train!

Other films we recommend

Still We Ride (re. NYC Critical Mass)

Reach for the Sky (re. aviation resistance)

Remember Saro-Wiwa Raised Voices (

Sakhalin's Black Tears

The Oil Factor

The End of Suburbia

Oil Crash
